Christmas Wish LIst...Sorta
I'm quite ready to start the new Holiday Season, this year I guess won't spend a minute to pick unuseful present for anybody, I'll ask and romance at all but 100% satisfaction guaranted!! For me it'll be easy..I just want ok just kiddin' but there're so many cute, cozy, chic things I want that it would bevery easy to get me a here my wish list..Santa please don't fool with my Xmas!!

Shoes & Stuff Top Shop
My Way Featured on Atelier Mayer!!
Wow I'm so honored!! My interview for Atelier Mayer is live now!! Few weeks ago I got a mail from them asking for an interview about My Way, my thoughts about fashion and vintage. You can read the whole interview here and browse the marvellous vintage pieces they have, so unique and stylish. Let me know what do you think about it!!