Have you ever made that silly game of the desert island?? Today I was chatting with a friend about hot guys (for me!) and hot chicks (for him!) to bring on a desert island. The rule is easy you have to pick 5 person you’d bring with you on a desert island forever;of course my friend picked all very hot babes quite dumb but very hot and as for me I had hard time to pick just five.I’ve my top 5 hot chart, the top 5 funny and hot, the top 5 smart and hot..etc etc quite hard to choose just 5!! I come to a compromise and my top 5 list of hottness to bring on a desert island would be:

Those are the 5 that I simply adore for everything, too hot, sexy smart ( I guess!!) funny , and that would be my top 5 forver..if only I didn’t know that on this earth you can have Gary Oldman, Eric Bana (but only in Troy!!) Kevin Bacon Keanu Reeves Johnny Depp Ethan Hawke River Phoenix and so many others. That’s reminds me the movie High Fidelity (love it!!) and Robert (John Cusak) that used to make chart for everything, I guess that we all make lists for so many things, ex boyfriends, movies, top 5 love songs, shops etc etc and what I find very funny is that once you’ve your list written down it’s like “done forever” and you can’t change it anymore!! Very weird my top hot 5 has changed so many times during the years ( I remember at high school I had Axl Rose on top!!) . My friend was “worried” because on his top 5 he has to choose the number 5 and he picked Jenna Jameson instead of Heidi Klum ..yeah as if Heidi could read your list and be pissed because you picked Jenna !! Btw Mr. Depp, Reeves, Bacon, etc etc that was only my top 5 all of you are in my top 10 so please don’t be pissed off !!Who's on your top 5 list?

Do you know that one of the best and coolest blogger DREAM SEQUINS is having an amazing giveaway?? where?? here